By Dr. György Rumi, Gastroenterologist
My wife was browsing websites about doctors and specialists who were recruited for hospitals abroad. We had previously spent a few years in Japan, where I conducted medical research at a university. When we returned to Hungary I realised that the social and economic situation was unpromising. I did not see future perspectives here, and I wanted to provide my wife and my three children with acceptable living circumstances.
Out of the many possibilities, the Scandinavian countries deserved the greatest attention as they are developed countries with high GDP index and good welfare systems. Furthermore, Denmark is specifically famous for its well-functioning social network, healthcare system and educational background. We found Medicolink’s advertisement on the internet and I got in touch with the person responsible for recruitment. I sent my CV and other references to the company and after a personal interview – where I got acquainted with the company and the terms and conditions – they invited me to Denmark to see my possible future workplace, meet the staff at the hospital, see the working conditions and have a general impression of nature, culture and life in Denmark.
I believe that I was given quite a realistic picture of the whole idea. I was informed about the difficulties I would encounter because of the changes in my life, but still I could see clearly that a balanced and more peaceful life was waiting for me in Denmark. My children could study in an educational system that does not primarily require lexical knowledge but contributes effectively to the development of their creative skills. In addition, the beautiful nature and the possible outdoor activities such as hiking, biking and water sports in this area of Denmark provide optimal circumstances for big families like mine.
It was not long before I got an affirmative answer from Medicolink saying that they needed me in a Danish hospital and that they would like to have me in the programme. So we signed a preliminary contract which assured my working conditions by the time I would finish their training course. It was not really difficult to give up my job as our decision had already been made. I knew it was going to be difficult to sit down and study again, but when it came to the training course I realized that their approach was different. The nature of the tuition is more interactive, more flexible and varied than what it used to be when I was a student. Although it is not frustrating, it is difficult sometimes.
During my short but fully packed stay in Denmark I had an insight into my future workplace; it had clean, well-equipped hospital rooms, positive atmosphere with good-tempered staff and a friendly attitude. It is a smaller hospital than the one I used to work at, but I will not have to work as much as before. Furthermore, I do not have to give up my ambition in conducting research, as the hospital cooperates with the Medical University of Aarhus.
In some ways I have to start my career again. But instead of taking it as a setback, I consider it as a challenge as I still have to work for the same goal but in a different country and in a different culture using a different language. I am very much looking forward to cooperating with other specialists as this kind of permeability exists in Denmark.
My family is supporting me in this process, my wife is keen to find work in Denmark at a later stage and my children are all excited about the move. I am really glad that my children will have the possibility to study in a multicultural atmosphere and luckily they are at an age when foreign language learning takes place naturally and effortlessly. All in all, we are looking forward to living in Denmark!