Are you hesitant about moving abroad with your spouse who is about accepting a job offer as a doctor in Denmark?
That’s definitely a crucial dilemma for every couple since the overall well-being of the family in the new destination country largely depends on the satisfaction of the accompanying spouse. With this end in view, Medicolink collected some information and useful advices about job opportunities and career prospects for foreigners in Denmark.
First of all, we don’t want to give you the impression that getting a job in Denmark is easy – but it is not impossible either, if you know how to approach the task. Naturally, some fields of work are easier to gain employment within, for example highly qualified IT professionals, engineers, managers and specialists of the natural sciences are generally needed. In addition, we have had several examples of spouses who also had a degree in medicine, who were able to get a job at the same hospital as our candidates did.
In case you are wondering whether being able to speak English is enough for you to get a job in Denmark, the reply is generally speaking no – though some larger companies have English as their corporate language (e.g. Novo, IBM or Lundbeck). These companies however, usually require proficient and professional language skills and their positions can mainly be found in the Copenhagen area. Learning Danish would therefore be a good investment.
Medicolink offers intensive online Danish language course for the medical specialists as well as for their spouses who will reach B2-level by the end of the course. However, in case the spouse doesn’t have the possibility to participate, they can join the partner language course in order to reach the A2 level before their arrival in Denmark. After having arrived in Denmark, your spouse can upgrade his/her language skills further, thanks to the free, state-funded language school courses. Anyone with an EU residence permit can attend these courses. It is also possible to attend the language school’s evening classes in case you have a job.
Another smart investment would be to do a course or take part of your education at a Danish university or college, as this proves to the employer that your qualifications match the local standards. In Denmark, higher education is free for all EU citizens, you just have to prove that you can meet the required level of language skills, which is usually either Danish or English. Also going to university or college in Denmark will expand your network. Networking and attending professional events is always a good idea, especially because many people are hired through their professional connections. When you are trying to make a professional connection however, never ask directly for a job. Just focus on trying to understand the industry’s needs and requirements.
Of course it is also essential to register at job portals and recruitment agencies and search proactively for positions there. A good starting point would be to explore Denmark’s largest job portal or another option, Jobindex.
Local trade unions are quite widespread and efficient in Denmark, so it might be worth to get a membership in order to join one that represents your profession. They do not only provide help in case of conflicts at the workplace, but they can also help you with improving your CV and motivation letter so it fits the Danish standard.
Danish people also use LinkedIn regularly – employers and job seekers alike – which makes creating a profile a good idea. Start by adding a good, professionally looking profile picture, collect some recommendations and endorsements and join professional groups. In that way, you can network online as well.
We at Medicolink know that the success of recruitment does not finish at the signature of the employment contract, and we emphasise the importance of integrating the whole family in the Danish society. Finding a fulfilling position for your spouse is a key part of this, so we offer guidance for your spouse in finding a suitable job too.
If you would like to know about what Denmark can offer, read our other articles.
For career opportunities in Denmark, check out our open positions or contact us at info@medicolink.com.