In an effort to prepare its healthcare sector for the future,
Denmark currently works to put six new state-of-the-art super hospitals into operation. The objective of this new hospital structure is to meet increasing demands to the public healthcare system and improve quality of patient care.
The six new super hospitals will be places in Aalborg, Aarhus, Odense, Køge, Herning and Hillerød.
What is a super hospital?
The new term “super hospital” essentially means that current hospitals are merging into fewer units in larger population bases. This also means that Denmark has chosen quality over proximity as this new super hospital plan might force smaller local hospitals to close. The core idea behind this new hospital infrastructure is the principle of treating patients at the lowest possible cost while at the same time enhancing the quality of patient care.
What makes it “Super”?
The reason these new hospitals are called “Super” can be summed up in three words: Efficiency, quality, and capacity.
The healthcare system in Denmark always aims for higher quality. The super hospital program will support this mindset in various ways like emphasizing specialists, efficiency, capacity, and the well-being of patients.
With the new super hospitals there will also be a modernization of the structure at the hospitals. This structure will put the specialists in front. The emergency healthcare department will be staffed with specialist doctors 24/7 to ensure that the patients receive the correct treatment in case of injury or illness. The overall objective is to enhance the quality and to provide full treatment for patients without an extensive hospitalization. The emergency department will be staffed with specialists in all relevant fields which include internal medicine, orthopaedic surgery, surgery, anaesthesiology, diagnostic radiology, and clinical biochemistry.
The new super hospitals provide a great opportunity to optimize the organization of clinical operations and to support knowledge sharing. These new hospitals will also come with a restructure of the hospital sector in the whole country of Denmark. This will make it possible to reorganize patient treatment and management to a much greater extent than ever before. The efficiency in the new hospital structure will be ensured by way of an expert panel who sets specific targets while solutions are designed in collaboration with clinicians to meet both real needs of the patients and the health system overall.
Here are some of the examples of the efficiency targets:
- Reducing the number of beds.
- Merging or restructuring departments fx. radiology and blood testing in proximity to operating rooms.
- Constructing energy efficient buildings.
If the projects succeed in meeting the efficiency targets around EUR 330M pr. year will be freed up for re-investment in the healthcare sector which will create room for even further optimization and efficiency and sustain the world class quality in medical treatment.
A state-of-the-art structure
Other than the previous mentioned reasons for creating these super hospitals, Denmark would also like to create a new digital infrastructure in its healthcare sector. In Denmark there is already a big focus on the digital infrastructure as it is deemed vital in building a high-quality healthcare sector. Denmark is already a digital frontrunner in digital communication and IT systems between segments of the healthcare sector.
Another very important aspect in the super hospital program is capacity. The capacity needed in the healthcare sector is difficult to foresee. Therefore, an expert panel was established in 2007 to highlight patterns in the sector and to ensure that the aspect of capacity was incorporated in the development in the hospitals.
The number of people covered by each emergency department will serve between 200,000 – 400,000 people each – however four will serve more than 400,000 and four will serve less than 200,000 people.
Currently there are six projects fully completed, and the last project is expected to be ready in 2025.
Would you like to work in a brand-new super hospital in Denmark?
Do you want to be a part of this state-of-the-art healthcare structure in Denmark? Do you think that this super hospital program with a dedicated focus on high quality and efficiency sounds exciting? Then you should contact Medicolink. We work to find jobs in Denmark for medical professionals in every EU country. So, if this sounds like a job opportunity and high-quality process that you would like to enter. Then do not hesitate to contact Medicolink and let your Danish medical professional adventure begin.